Will Eating at Night Make me Fat?

Weight gain is ultimately caused by consuming more calories than you burn on a regular basis, not when you eat. Because of some peoples preference or schedule, many people eat late in the evening or right before bed. If someone gains weight doing this, it is simply a result of excess calorie intake and has nothing to do with timing.

The body doesn’t have an enzyme with a watch that after 7pm preferentially stores items, especially carbohydrates, as fat. We have have a certain number of calories that we can consume without gaining weight and as long as we don’t exceed that number, weight gain will not occur.

Let me give you an example…Let’s say that according to my height, weight and activity level, I burn 2,200 calories in a 24-hour period. I woke up this morning and had a quick 400 calorie breakfast and then headed off to work for a few hours, ran errands, picked up the kids and before I knew it, it’s 8pm and I haven’t had anything since breakfast. I finally sit down at 9pm and eat a large 1,200 calorie meal and immediately hit the hay and call it a night.

Will I gain weight?

Simply put, no. I consumed 1,600 total calories and I burn 2,200 a day. I am at a 600 calorie deficit so just because I ate a large meal at 9pm and immediately went to bed does not mean I will gain weight.

The lesson here is, figure out how many calories you burn a day and adjust your calories according to your goals. If you need help, please feel free to message me here.

Meal Prepping


This past Sunday I meal prepped two different meals, lunch and dinner, for myself and my husband. This type of meal prepping isn’t typical in my home because it’s quite professional but for this week, it was necessary.

We have a very busy week and are on-the-go so we needed easy to grab meals that would allow us to stay on track. Coming home after a busy day and cooking a healthy meal is a lot harder than it sounds. Passing countless fast food chains is tempting, especially when you have little ones in the back seat begging for McDonald’s.

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If these photos scare the crap out of you, don’t let them. As I said, this was a pretty fancy meal prep and since it’s lunch and dinner, there are 6 different food items instead of the typical 3.

Meal prepping can be as simple as turning on your crockpot and making a Turkey Chili that can last the week. It can be grilling 6-10 chicken breasts on a Sunday afternoon and just adding a veggie and complex carb to it for dinner. It does not have to be complicated.

It took me an hour and 45 minutes to make 16 meals and we are set until Friday. The relief I feel outweighs the time spent in the kitchen. Allowing yourself a break from thinking about food because it’s already done, is a great treat.

Again, it doesn’t have to be too difficult.

6 Meals a Day vs 3 Meals a Day


Is one better than the other? Nope! Surprised? I was too. As it turns out, there is no scientific backing to prove that we are metabolically better off eating 6 smaller meals a day compared to 3 meals.

Many people believe by eating more frequently we would somehow increase our metabolic rate. Not true. Or at least, not proven.

It all comes down to personal preference and what you’re eating in those 3 to 6 meals. Eating healthy, quality foods should be your main focus, along with staying within your caloric goals.

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Cheat Meal or Cheat Day?


Cheat Meal or Cheat Day?

I could easily turn this question into a scientific equation filled with decimals, fractions and X, Y and Z’s to the 10th power, but it’s early and we don’t need all of that.

Honestly, when I hear people announce “It’s my CHEAT DAY” on social media, I kind of cringe; only because I know from experience that a lot of hard work can be undone in a cheat day.

It’s not difficult to understand that a cheat MEAL once a week will produce better results at the end of the week than if you had a cheat DAY each week. But unless I know how many calories you’re expending each day/week, and how many you’re consuming each day/week and on your cheat day, I really can’t say for sure how much damage you’re doing.

If you’re a die-hard fitness and nutrition junkie or if you’re competing in an upcoming show, of course a cheat meal will hinder your progress. If you’re on a journey to a healthy lifestyle and you don’t have any specific goals to hit, a cheat day will slow your progress but it’s not the end of the world.

Bottom line, each person, goal and situation is different. Do what works best for your specifics but if you consume 6,000 calories on your cheat day and you’re pissed about only losing 1/2 pound that week, it’s time to take a closer look at your nutrition.

Sports Performance Training

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This handsome young man is my son and my “client” with a goal of increasing his muscle mass while strengthening his performance on the Volleyball court.

His current fitness program includes Strength Training, Plyometrics and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Focusing on form in week one and once perfect, we will start adding weight.

I know he loves his mom but I’m not yet sure how he feels about his trainer. 😉

Fighting Fatigue?


Fighting fatigue? Join the club. Whether you stayed up late to binge watch your favorite Netflix show, had a fantastic night out with friends, or if you’re like me and you suffer from Chronic Fatigue, sleepiness happens. Mine happens to be caused by Multiple Sclerosis.

I’m asked at least once a week how I manage to workout almost everyday, run a house of 3 kids, 3 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 husband, and train clients.

I drink 1/2 a cup of coffee each morning and water the rest of the day. My energy certainly doesn’t come from caffeine. Some days are better than others when it comes to fatigue but working out is actually a natural antidote for fatigue. The University of Georgia researchers found that inactive folks who normally complained of fatigue could increase energy by 20% while decreasing fatigue by as much as 65% by simply participating in regular, low-intensity exercise.

So how do we translate the above percentages to real life? When exercising for energy, you should always aim to exercise in your low to moderate training heart rate range. This will prevent you from depleting your body, and help you avoid feeling fatigued, which would otherwise prevent you from getting the maximum energy benefits.

Let’s Talk Carbs!


Let’s talk about Carbohydrates! I hear it all the time, “carbs will make you fat”. WRONG!!! Eating too much and moving too little, aka Calories In vs. Calories Out, will make you gain weight.

According to the Institute of Medicine, the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for carbohydrate intake for an adult is 45 to 65% of your daily caloric intake. Complex carbohydrates (such as whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables) should constitute the majority of calories because of their nutrient-dense (providing B vitamins, iron, and fiber) nature.


9 Healthy Foods that are high in Vitamin D


Vitamin D is unique because it can be obtained from food and sun exposure. However, up to 50% of the world’s population may not get enough sunlight, and 40% of people in the US are deficient in Vitamin D.

Here are 9 healthy foods that are high in Vitamin D…

1. Salmon
2. Herring and Sardines
3. Cod Liver Oil
4. Canned Tuna
5. Oysters
6. Shrimp
7. Egg Yolks
8. Mushrooms
9. Fortified Foods like Cow and Soy Milk, Orange Juice, Cereal and Oatmeal